By Mike - 17/12/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, I got in an elevator at a hotel. Just as the door was closing, somebody banged into the door and stuck their hand through. I yelled, "What, are you retarded?!" The doors then opened to reveal a mentally handicapped boy with his parents standing behind him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 111
You deserved it 54 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgrl180 0

that's pretty much rude whether or not the person's retarded.


Yeah, you said what I was going to say: the parents should have prevented this.

did NOBODY notice that this happened 'JUST AS THE DOORS WERE CLOSING'? which means that you should have SEEN the child and his parents before they started closing, unless of course the parents are crazy and tried to rush into the elevator. they couldn't possibly have just suddenly appeared there without you noticing. :l

See, I have to disagree with you. If you truly play out the scenario, you'd know that the guy shouldn't have seen it. In a real situation like that, here's what I'd do: Enter the elevator. Turn around to my left, and press the button. And after pressing it, I *might* look at the door as it's closing, and that's when I'd see a random hand pop in. I don't think anyone suddenly jumps to the middle and stares at the hole in between the doors after hitting the button. I mean, at least I don't.

mj2123 0

This is one of the few times I truly believe you deserve it. Seriously, don't be a douche. Someone else's disability is not an insult. I hope you learned something from this.

squeakybaby1309 0

that mustve been one awkward elevator ride..

i would have TOTALLY punched you if i was one of the parents -_-

dewaltdave 0

yeah, me too. I spent the summer working with people with cognitive delays, and I think that anyone who uses that term is an asshole.

nattyice 0

Yes, resorting to violence is always the best way to resolve a conflict...retard.

I am hurt and deeply offended by your derogatory use of the word "asshole", #64. The asshole is a very important part of the human body which provides a vital service, but has to put up with constant verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse, and live with a terrible social stigma. Did you know that in many societies, it is frowned upon (if not completely illegal) for one to be seen uncovered in public? People like you are to blame for your errant and uncaring use of hurtful terms and contributing to the devaluing of the social status of the asshole.

Really, the parents should have stopped him from doing that though

And you would have TOTALLY been charged with assault. You simply DON'T PUNCH PEOPLE, whether they insulted you or not... And especially not around a mentally handicapped child, who could be incredibly impressionable.

(To #174): I agree, but maybe he was a large/older child, and because of his handicap has problems listening or following instructions, and they are unable to physically restrain him from doing things like this. I mean, they still should have tried, but sometimes there's only so much you can do.

autismcure 0

u totally deserved that! dont say that word. its such a derogatory term. I HATE people who say that word in the absolutely wrong way!!! he was just trying to get on the elevator did u really have to yell at him? is getting on the elevator such a crime? golly man watch what u frickin say. makes me pissed

You honestly HATE people who say things like this? Who voice their perfectly valid opinion? Who use a word that, for the most part, is accurate in describing the disability (although derogatory in nature NOW)? Grow up. Hate is too strong an emotion to throw around at strangers on the Internet.

the retarded kid doesnt know what retarded means so there is nothing wrong with this

Very often retarded people are aware of what you mean when you refer to them as retarded and find it very offensive and/or hurtful when you refer to them as such. Retarded does not mean devoid of emotion or completely oblivious to the world.

That's because retarded means: re⋅tard⋅ed   /rɪˈtɑrdɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ri-tahr-did] Show IPA Use retarded in a Sentence See web results for retarded See images of retarded –adjective 1. characterized by retardation: a retarded child. –noun 2. (used with a plural verb) mentally retarded persons collectively (usually prec. by the): new schools for the retarded.

you should never use the word retarded in a derogatory way. its not something any mentally handicapped person can control. its a terrible word to use in that way.