By gotthewrongman - 17/12/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I found that my Facebook account had been hacked, and all my friends were deleted. As I tried to add them all back, Facebook reported me as a hacker for adding too many people too quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 532
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

DoomJeff91 2

Dude... This is FML. Not your diary. Nice job with scoring though.


lendmeyourteeth 0

when you get banned on facebook, it doesn't say what it's for.... therefore a lie and you can simply get out of it by sending them an email to check the ips.

#1, how does this suck? its just facebook.... personally I'd be happy, I'd have my life back. :P

Did they get deleted or do they just not like you anymore

you're saying FYL for your facebook getting messed up? YDI for your life being all about facebook.

R0nBurgundy 0

HEY, does anyone know what's up with the apps in faceback that gain access to your info and then spread viruses through your computer

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

DoomJeff91 2

Dude... This is FML. Not your diary. Nice job with scoring though.

That's a super hot tale. Very awkward though. O_o haha

haah i was just about to say that exact same thing

It is a big inconvenience in a person's life. Just like if your phone were to be stolen or if all your whole contact list was erased off your phone. Only fb can do more.

cowgod 0

theres nothing wrong with getting head. its only bad when u give it (and besides, gays know exactly what u want)

It's the eeend of my liiife as I know it. And I feel like shit! (R.E.M. spoof)

how does he give you a bj against your will? since you weren't the one asking him for sex...

Ok, way too much info for an fml. Seriously, there are 10 year olds who read these.

that SUCKS!!! Mine was hacked and then i said "I am Gay will you have sex with me" to my Gay best friend and he actually wanted to have sex with me the next time i saw him. Hackers suck... but i did get a ******** from him, now its awkward because i was drunk and he has a video of some stuff that never should have happened

FB, why do you have one? It's pointless. Farmville and 8 hours of the day gone. It's called a phone. That's just my opinion. I just generally don't like FB.

well it must be alot if facebook morked u as a hacker for adding to much :D

oh no!! no facebook!! how will you live?!?!! get a life

lol knock knock.... whos there...... i don...... i dont who?..... i dont give a crap about ur face book :D lol im joking i care lol

newsgit 0

FOO FIGHTERS DO ROCK!!! and yes, this ******* sucks, man.

What grammatical error? The sentence sounds slightly awkward because it should be "found out," but it's not riddled with enough errors to give such a reason for your YDI. Go suck a nut.

you tried to add friends back when your account had already been hacked? your dumb as a rock, stupid. if he deleted all your friends the first time, then he wouldn't hesitate to do it the second time.

He might have changed his password before re-adding his friends.

riku3220 2

You weren't "hacked". You were stupid and didn't log out or made a super obvious password. Nobody is going to take the time to actually hack into something just to delete friends.

I've actually been hacked before. It was by an online organization of around 30 people who disliked me for reasons, that are a whole different story.

Actually riku3220 is probably right. People misuse the word 'hacker'. If someone somehow gets hold of your password, either by a trojan or keylogger or guessing your PW or whatever, then that is not hacking. Hacking is when they get through security and get around your password. Mental picture: Facebook's security is a big wall. Your password is the key to get through the gate. The person who did this to you probably stole your key and went through the gate. A hacker smashes the wall to bits. If someone hacks into a FB account, that is a major security breach on FB's behalf and they need to fix something. It's more likely that you need to check your computer's security settings or make a more secure password.

Comments are always "mysteriously disappearing," but it's pretty obvious FML is dictating every word posted..

What? Comments disappear from server issues. We don't randomly delete them without any warning and then repost them a little later to confuse people. We just moderate comments we don't feel respect the site. That's basically it.

Aww.. I wanted to create conspiracy theories x)

Haha, in that case... We're actually controlling not only your comments, but your MIND! :)