By Mike - 17/12/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, I got in an elevator at a hotel. Just as the door was closing, somebody banged into the door and stuck their hand through. I yelled, "What, are you retarded?!" The doors then opened to reveal a mentally handicapped boy with his parents standing behind him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 111
You deserved it 54 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgrl180 0

that's pretty much rude whether or not the person's retarded.


I hate people who use the word "retarted" too. To al the people who use it, go die in hell.

it IS a big deal. u people need to stop saying it cuz it IS offensive.

your a dick. you can't prevent that. it has nothing to do with being bad parents.

aww that sux!!! but why would u say that anyways its mean

I hate when people use the word "retarded" to describe things. Its offensive and very rude. So I think you totally deserve it. Maybe this will help you to change your ways.

he didn't mean what made the boy handicapped, he meant the boy putting his hand in the way

This brings to mind the phrase "Look before you leap!" Rather, in this case it'd be "Look before you SPEAK!"

I wonder if these ancient FMLs even get comment moderation any more... (Though there seems to be an automated moderation trigger, based on identical content---is it testing for identical-ness or does it strip case and punctuation?)