By Mike - 17/12/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, I got in an elevator at a hotel. Just as the door was closing, somebody banged into the door and stuck their hand through. I yelled, "What, are you retarded?!" The doors then opened to reveal a mentally handicapped boy with his parents standing behind him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 111
You deserved it 54 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgrl180 0

that's pretty much rude whether or not the person's retarded.


Julia626 0

wow who would even yell that out? i understand being annoyed but no matter who it was wouldnt u been embarassed to have yelled at them?

I have done something like that ... its not fun...

samsonsays 0

hit that nail right on the head, good job!

It's not big deal. Don't feel bad after all he was retarded. besides had he been hurt by doing that his parents probably would have used it as an excuse to sure and make a big deal about it. When in reality, he got hurt because he did something stupid.

There's times when we all need to use our inside voices. Though, I believe that it pretty 'retarded' to force your hand into the doors of a closing elevator, anything could happen.. But then why should I care; not my hand.

tschoiuss 0

I wouldn't stress about it. Being PC is wayyy over rated and was formed by a group of people that don't fit into society, to make themselves feel better. If they wanted to call it mentally disabled, they should have called it that when they first named the disease!!!!

kensbarbie1998 0

Even though sticking your hand through elevator doors might not be a smart thing to do, it serves you right because speaking as a mother who has a son that has austism, you shouldn't use the word retarded anyway. I would like to call you a few names and believe me retarded isn't one of them!!

agentohoolahan 0

honestly, when people use the word retard/retarded, they don't mean it as an insult to mentally retarded people. it's used just like the word stupid is. i know mentally retarded people, but that doesn't stop me from using the word. it's nothing to get all worked up over.

thats INSTANT KARMA for you