By no - 25/06/2016 02:31 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got in a huge fight with my pregnant wife because I cannot consent to naming our future daughter Paprika. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 608
You deserved it 1 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess. You and your wife are known as Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. Remember to name your son Cinnamon when the time comes.

Maybe she could have grown up to be one of the Spice Girls


Let me guess. You and your wife are known as Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. Remember to name your son Cinnamon when the time comes.

Cinnamon sounds like a stripper name.

but cinnamon is a black stripper name. doesn't work for a son...

Ahh #1, you beat me to it. Surprisingly you seem to be the only person who made the reference

Gee thanks better run out and buy my pole... Wtf. Love Cinnamon

nicolai44 12

Hey, that's *DR.* Pepper to you! Sorry, too obvious, couldn't resist. I'll try harder next time.

This is the internet, so Cinnamon is a cat's name. lol....lolcat.

Maybe she could have grown up to be one of the Spice Girls

You should name her Ginger instead. Your wife can name her after a spice and you get a somewhat normal name

I hope the child won't turn out to be a redhead then. Otherwise, he would be constantly bullied for his/her name everytime introducing themselves.

Why is 17 getting down voted? It's not a nice fact of life, but let's face it, kids are ******* cruel when they want to be.

ChopSuey444 20

My best friend's mom is a redhead named Ginger. I have literally never once in 10 years coincided the two.

ber4fun 23

Don't worry, I'm sure you will find a different unique name you can both agree on.

Just tell her that the kids will call her "pap smear" as a nickname. That might change her mind. Or if she's a GOT fan, "Reek" as a nickname might do the trick.

well ain't that a deal breaker..haha OP it's not much worse than being called Apple..with a name like that she's sure to spice up our lives ;)) haha

hellobobismyname 24

... Are you really talking about a child in that way?

hellobobismyname 24

I figured he was talking about Apple, who is the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow, and I just thought it was creepy him saying she was sure to grow up to spice up our lives with double winking faces. I just found it creepy because I wouldn't want anyone talking about my kid that way, if I had one. Never said anything about sexually abusing a fetus, wtf?

I dunno, but I recently read an article about a guy who was arrested for sending photos of his wife's ultrasound to an undercover cop posing as a pedophile. So I guess it's serious enough?

Please please please stand your ground and don't let that happen. There's already so many stupid names out there, we don't need another.

she's pregnant and most likely feeling all sorts of hormone changes. She will probably change her mind when she realizes that that's a ridiculous name. but if not then f your daughters life