By no - 25/06/2016 02:31 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got in a huge fight with my pregnant wife because I cannot consent to naming our future daughter Paprika. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 596
You deserved it 1 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess. You and your wife are known as Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. Remember to name your son Cinnamon when the time comes.

Maybe she could have grown up to be one of the Spice Girls


Well, you can't be black, otherwise you'd be naming the daughter after a car, or jewels, or some other precious thing you wish you could afford, but can't.

Mathalamus 24

If it were me, I would stand my ground, and take away her naming privileges until she grows up...

moocowmilk0 19

It's the hormones speaking dw about It

Why don't you try suggesting other spice-inspired baby names? Like Poppy, Sage, Rosemary, Juniper, Cassia, Amandine (or Amanda), Ceyenne, Lavender, Ginger, Marjoram (or Marjorie/Marjory), or Pepper. Compromise!

She watches Blue's Clues too much. lol jk

cptncuttlefish 24

It could be worse, Paprika is a cute name!

Paprika Steen, is danish actor and director, maybe she got the name from there

I'm not married but I know enough about the ladies to know you can't argue and win with them, especially if they are pregnant... I would have just let it pass and I'm sure she would have thought of another name (or you could have nudged her into choosing another one) like say to honour your or her nana or such... Best get her chocolate ice cream and roses..

As a female, i can tell you don't know shit about women.

Just keep in mind OP, that name will be with her for the rest of her life..