By Anonymous - 11/04/2012 21:41 - Canada - Orillia

Today, I got home to find our house broken into. Among other things, the thieves took our television, my laptop and several pieces of expensive jewelry. Also missing was my daughter's My Little Pony collection. I think we were robbed by a Brony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 598
You deserved it 2 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brony+Thug Life... Oh my god he must sag his rainbow skinny jeans. That is amazing.

EvilTeddysRock 2

if you go back about a days worth of fml's I think you'll find your culprit.


iqrashakoorx 0

Damn, they would do this to us ponies. As for you op, FML.

free2speak 14

or maybe they just missed the my little pony collection at McDonald's... ;)

Don't even joke about this. If my collection was stolen, heads would roll.

38- I don't see why people were obsessing over the My Little Pony part of the promotion when Transformers Prime had a promotion with it. It's like most people didn't notice it. Like dafuq?

blegehlehgleh 0

I'm gonna be honest, that was a smart move by the robber, I've seen pony stuff go for ridiculous prices, I have actually witnessed a fluttershy doll (about a foot tall) go for over 9000 dollars on eBay (not the meme over 9000, but actually 9400-something dollars) but personally, stealing pony stuff is just disgusting, if someone stole my twilight plushie, I would seriously go on a manhunt and assault the culprit maniacally

tpreston 0

The only reason I know what a brony is is because of Michael from RoosterTeeth

#134 and #176 I'm so sorry, but thats really pathetic, though understandable.

What is/are bronies? I googled it but couldnt find anything. :(

It's grown ass men who like little girls toys and claim its cool...

What about 17 year old men who enjoy them? ;) I think they're cute as hell.

LaFemmeQuiRit 3

#29-- Not really... A brony is a fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who is outside of the original target audience (young girls, most likely under 12.) I guess this could include other MLP merchandise, but not necessarily. Therefore there are younger male bronies as well as teenage/older female bronies, also called pegasisters, like myself. :P It's not creepy at all, as the show is actually good, the animation is fantastic, and--as I've heard some people say it--it has pretty much the same structure as your standard anime, but with ponies. As far as I'm aware, no one has ever claimed being a brony is cool... It's only really as cool to other bronies, isn't it? (Sorry for any errors, English is not my first language.)

cherryblossom14 7

I know someone who is so obsessed with MLP it's almost.. No wait.. it IS disgusting.. He creates these MLP like pages on facebook, and I don't mean the normal ones.. More like 18+ And basically "cybers" with other "MLP users". It's disturbing to say the least.

Ah, bronies ruined MLP:FiM. It's not fair that I actually love the show (I think it's endearing and actually has morals, pretty good for kids), but their fanbase drives me nuts and it's the first thing people associate it with.

Colonel_Lexi 18

Brony: "Let's see we have a laptop...a flat-screen...some jewelry" *Robber sees Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle dolls and drops everything* "NO ******* WAY, I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A FLUTTERSHY COLLECTABLE!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"

mandak1982 3

#37 Actually, your English and grammar is better than some native speakers that I know. :)

In some cases, I find bronies have become more disgusting then furries.

SadDashie92 3

#37 As a fan of MLP:FIM, I must say that was a great explanation of what a Brony is. Not all bronies collect pony toys, and like you said, the show is fantastic.

Nothing on google came up for bronies? I call bullshit.

MLP is awesome. And like others have stated, the fans can a bit...enthusistic. But the same thing happens with everything good. And OP, maybe they were trying to grt some morw cash from the dolls. Collectables earn a pretty penny you know.

its basically a grown-ass-man whos a fan of the show "My little Pony"

I'm a seventeen year old girl who happens to love MLP: FiM. The grown men are just a stereotype. Of course, there are grown men who like the show but most MLP fans are in their twenties and the genders have a nearly equal number. People who say the grown men line proves they only hate MLP because it's 'popular' to hate it. Seriously.

What with My Little Pony these days? Robbers are stupid, strange, and crave little girls' toys.

CrassKal 27

Or they figured $15 for something you can stuff in your pockets was worth grabbing.

thescyphozoa 6

Ah yes, going by the Elder Scrolls rule of value-to-weight ratios. There are probably some bronies in the Thieves' Guild who would pay like 800 gold for those.

EvilTeddysRock 2

if you go back about a days worth of fml's I think you'll find your culprit.

Haha, I saw the one you meant! Highly suspect!

It's the 20 year old that didn't get the McDonald's my little pony toy that later went on a rampage

He he he I know exactly which one, made me laugh x)

melrose90210 10

First thing I thought of when I read this was the crazy 20 year old wearing a ski mask still pissed haha

Brony+Thug Life... Oh my god he must sag his rainbow skinny jeans. That is amazing.

BehindU 5

Your profile pic is perfect for your post.

Fx13mz 7

Their video collection just got 20% cooler.

LunaBee3105 3

YES. that just made my day XD

Pony reference. That means the fun has been doubled!

omgcookeys 15

He saw the my little pony collection and just couldn't resist. They unlocked his inner brony.

Can't blame the thieves, it's what makes a Brony badass.