By counselor - 25/08/2010 16:32 - United States

Today, I was working as a camp counselor helping a five year old girl. I heard her mumble, "My grandpa is getting married on Saturday." I enthusiastically replied and told her how exciting that was! Only after did I realize that she said 'buried'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 272
You deserved it 9 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I swear, I'll make it my personal mission to bury all the comments that reply on #1 just to be seen.

jellyfish_735 0


glorialaura21 8

yeah tht sucks. well get over it

bravesfan112233 0

she's 5 ,she's not going to remember yhat

yolie_fml 0

I'm wondering where the pun is... ?

deafeningsilence 8

9- I'm thinking like stinks, rotting corpse? not sure though(:

yolie_fml 0

Weird. This fml is the counselor post... for me anyway... lol

yolie_fml 0

Wow. Nevermind. Had to dig deep for that one... No pun intended! :)

chitown98766 0

7 youre so hot youre giving me wood not joking

I think the "that stinks" was meant for the maggottts post

8 - I remember some stuff from when I was she might. and chitown - quit being a creeper

Don't be jealous they think your ugly and she's hot

yolie_fml 0
glider23 0

Wow. Really? Boner from a picture? Weird.

lol 39 you're one of the few people to say I'm ugly

glider23 0

Definitely disagree with 39 on that one.

KiddNYC1O 20

I'm sure is not a boner from just the picture. it may be fantasies being built up by pic. -the docs

yolie_fml 0

That opinion, coming from someone who has cartoon characters for their profile pic...

Dude, I completely agree with you. #7 is beautiful.

guys not tryin to be a dick or anything but that is kinda creepy. prolly y 7 hasn't responded. jus sayin.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

Well 8 If she's old enough to know what bury is then most likely shell remember it... nd 6 WTF Is wrong with you?!? Just because no one cares about you don't mean you can be a bastard to everyone else heheh

RTRbryant 0

FYL indeed apologize to that scarred little girl

Nah, it was supposed to be for this. Although, because it was a grandpa, he probably died of a heart attack or something and didn't have enough time to decompose, so it wouldn't really -stink-.

yeah 48 I think you're ugly too no offence

BeachPanda 0
qyka 5

yeah, but if she was a logically smart child, she would have realized that op must have misheard her because to a five year old, moms and dads are always married. unless grampa had a divorce...

qyka 5

yeah, but if she was a logically smart child, she would have realized that op must have misheard her because to a five year old, moms and dads are always married. unless grampa had a divorce...

yuhimjesus 0

#5's picture can be found by searching " hot guy " under google pictures and searching a couple pages. just sayin

hahaha wow #5. but the person, whoever he is, is hot.

#5 do you have a facebook myspace or Twitter

jellyfish_735 0
meshelly 0

actually I remember quite a few things from when I was 5 depending on the impact this event has on the child (and since it's her grandfather getting buried I'd guess that's a MAJOR impact) it might just scar her for life....but don't worry OP I'm sure she won't grow up and seek least I THINK she won't hehehe

WhyTheFace4 0

How would it scar her for life?

Looks like 14... (puts on sunglasses) Is a ******* jackass.. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!

I swear, I'll make it my personal mission to bury all the comments that reply on #1 just to be seen.

Stupid comment bug. Thanks, I was wondering who was helping me out.

dacho and Freeze, I like that plan. Count me in!

wait. what if your replying to a retarded comment left by someone who replied to #1 just to be seen?!

You're going to marry all the comments? That's so exciting!! oh...

that poor little girl! or more like grandpa...

imcomplicated 0

why would a grandpa get married?

redrovaa 0

Grandparents can be as young as 40. You know, they have a kid when they're 20, and THEIR kid has a kid at 20? Theres also teenage pregnancy and adoption..

my grandpa got married at 54 what's wrong with that? I know she isn't my grandma and all but why shouldn't he get married

Old men sometimes become widowers. They can marry again.

My grandma reunited with her high school boyfriend, and they married when she was 74.