By Anon - 30/01/2019 00:00

Today, the little bell in my car that lets you know your keys are still in your ignition went out. How did I find out? I locked myself out of both my house and my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 974
You deserved it 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

I once drove 12 miles away from my car keys and had to abandon my unlocked car at a seedy gas station to Uber with my two toddlers to my husband's work and back to get the keys from him because the car didn't yell at me like usual when he got out with the keys in his pocket.

It’s too bad you didn’t hear the slightly smaller bell that alerts you of a malfunction of the little bell.


It’s too bad you didn’t hear the slightly smaller bell that alerts you of a malfunction of the little bell.

bl3ur0z3 17

I once drove 12 miles away from my car keys and had to abandon my unlocked car at a seedy gas station to Uber with my two toddlers to my husband's work and back to get the keys from him because the car didn't yell at me like usual when he got out with the keys in his pocket.

EmDizzle2007 28

please tell us your phone was in your pocket.

This just reminds me on Breaking Bad. "The buzzer. The buzzer that let's you know the keys are in the ignition."

That bell seems overworked. How about remembering your keys instead of relying on something to tell you you're an idiot?