By Anonymous - 14/09/2014 16:38 - Ghana - Accra

Today, I got high for the first time. Apparently I called my vet and told him my goldfish was barking. I found out when he called me back later to make sure we were both okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 644
You deserved it 20 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist: you don't even have a goldfish, but you have got a very wet dog...


My goldfish are fine. Even when I get the munchies and bite their tails off. I check their little faces, and yep, still smiling. :)

When you get high you dont hear or see things unless they are off of hallucinogenic substances. Unless you were trying some serious stuff you wouldnt have thought your goldfish was barking nor can you blame your high for your own stupidity. This is why marijuana gets such a bad reputation because people use it as an excuse to be stupid.

Axel5238 29

True, but there are those that prefer laced stuff to get a different high. I smoked pot along time ago ,back in college that was laced. Though I was one of the Duck's from Duck Hunt. Found out the college stoner friend told me it was probably laced with crystal meth.

skittyskatbrat 19

I figure the neighbor's dog was barking and he was too stoned to figure out where it was coming from and decided it had to be the fish that was barking. I've seen dumber stuff from stoned people.

Ok. OP never said he was high off weed! It could have been shrooms... Which would explain a lot. That said, who the **** chooses shrooms as their first high in the first place?!?!?!

Usaully people who do shrooms or Acid say their Tripping, not High.. just sayingg

What if the fish is also high at that time...

That moment when you realized you took the wrong drug

This could not have been pot. FYL for sure.

It can't be weed. You don't black out from that...

Awesome vet! That's a true professional, right there.