By Cameraman - 01/06/2017 01:00 - Israel

Today, I got a reply from a women who's SD card I found 2 months ago and tried to give back. Yesterday I formatted it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 367
You deserved it 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel too bad. Honestly after two months you didn't think anyone would reply.

GoogieWithers 22

Just tell her the truth. Two months is a long time.


Don't feel too bad. Honestly after two months you didn't think anyone would reply.

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Do not do this. If you ever find an SD card, there is always a risk of a virus. To open up the SD card and back everything up onto your computer? It's one of the first things they taught us in HS 10+ years ago. Do not plug in a random USB/SD card!

BlueFire115 1

if the owner cared so much, they wouldnt have lost it in the first place.

Chiochan, there's a big difference between simply reading the directory contents/ file copying/ backing up a microSD memory card vs. actually executing possibly-infected programs on it. (That's why Windows disables auto-run whenever a USB jumb drive is inserted into a USB port.) Also, it's the function of A/V to prevent against viruses. Backing up your hard-drive/ cell phone is no different vs. execution of infected files/ apps. --30 Yrs Experience as Computer Hardware/ Software Engineer PS Don't understand the hate from everyone on my original post asserting prudence & common sense. Granted, not everyone would've realized the ability to backup jic before formatting, but wasn't I polite nonetheless in my post #1? Whatever....

GoogieWithers 22

Just tell her the truth. Two months is a long time.

Today, after two months of messing with this person who found my lost SD card, they formatted it. I probably should've just taken it back with a thank you. Now, everything's gone. FML

Aw you tried to do the right thing, don't feel bad!

Lobby_Bee 17

Oh well, you snooze, you lose.

squiros 2

sd cards can contain viruses but the virus has no way of infecting a computer. unless you run autorun.exe. much like cd roms, this option should be disabled. this allows you to look at any sd card safely. fortunately, the women is an sd card, so she likely copied your sd card data on to herself. unfortunately, the grammar checking on this site is complete crap. the women WHOSE sd card was lost now has no information.

If you're going to call someone out on their grammar, please use capital letters in your sentences.