By Anonymous - 07/11/2009 01:02 - Australia

Today, I was performing an experiment in science class. The prac required me to shake up a test tube filled with different materials. Taking the test tube in one hand, I shook it up and down. My teacher then stood next to me and said, "It's disturbing how good you are at that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 527
You deserved it 5 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it's a he, then by disturbing he means that you should see him after class If it's a she, then she's just jealous.

kravitzz1990 0

ROFL!!!! ur teacher is awsome!!!!!! hahaa


XxCoolPersonxX 0

It really took you a while? Also, that's just kinda gross, depending on how old you are a little inappropriate.

Well if you have hade pratice then it's not that much of an fml

mydgmax 0

haha your teacher is a pedo. that's sad

hurtandabused 7

It's funny how your name is you dumb idiot when you cannot spell XD

if it's a he, then by disturbing he means that you should see him after class If it's a she, then she's just jealous.

Maybe the teacher thinks OP will be a good bartender.

Maybe that little symbol in the corner means OP is a dude...

mikeman1744 18

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the gender of the teacher

XxCoolPersonxX 0

aww my other comment didn't show "/ i said "bahahahaha that's hella funny it took me a while to get but wow that's funny lol =D

kravitzz1990 0

ROFL!!!! ur teacher is awsome!!!!!! hahaa

Lol once a kid in my math class said "my compass isnt big enough, oh never mind" and my teacher said "thats what she said" lmao i laughed so hard

kravitzz1990 0

its funnier if ur teacher was right.. LMAO

Gennnnnn 0

Is Yourr Teacher Righttt Ahhha

M13LO 0

it's only on FML because you know it's true :p