Silver lining

By Beeky - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Helena

Today, I was excited to receive a rejection letter, because this was the first company to even acknowledge that I sent them a resume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 427
You deserved it 3 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's tough trying to find a job right now. My girlfriend has been looking for 2 years and no one in her field will hire her.

My general rule for those situations (granted I don't know how badly your girlfriend needs a job/money in your situation) is if you can't find one in your field you should cut your loses and try a minimum wage job until something in your field becomes available. Better to have a low paying job than no job at all


It's tough trying to find a job right now. My girlfriend has been looking for 2 years and no one in her field will hire her.

My general rule for those situations (granted I don't know how badly your girlfriend needs a job/money in your situation) is if you can't find one in your field you should cut your loses and try a minimum wage job until something in your field becomes available. Better to have a low paying job than no job at all

Melodija 19

Yeah any experience is good experience, all those transferable skills and shit, there's nothing stopping you getting a, let's say, retail job and while working there continue to look for something you'd like :)

As well, serving jobs make generally better than min. wage (in Canada at least) and if you do event serving and you're ambitious you can make tons of contacts to further yourself in and out of the field you went to school for.

If by serving you mean food server, then no. If your work establishment allows servers to collect tips, they are not required to, and don't, pay minimum wage. Most servers make around half of what minimum wage is

#23 - As a server, you get paid HOURLY slightly less than min. wage, but with tips it adds up to much more. Can confirm. Am server.

#24 I don't know the law where you're from but I'm from Oklahoma originally and in that state restaurants can and do pay a minimum wage of 4.25 to tip-making servers. That's barely over half the min of 7.50/hr. It *can* add up to more. Not guaranteed

Clearly you didn't hear *in Canada. We don't follow your crazy American rules!

Did hear it, but the OP is from Michigan which unfortunately means they are subject to our crazy rules. I wish it weren't so but you're lucky to make a living wage in the service industry (especially food service) in the good ol' USA.

Actually, in tip jobs in the USA, the employer is required to make up the difference if their tipped employees do not at least make minimum wage with their tips. There is NO JOB ON THE BOOKS that will ever pay less than minimum wage in the U.S. That's why it's called a "MINIMUM" wage.

Oh she does have a retail job. I was just sympathizing about how frustrating it can be to find a job. Even the retail ones are competitive. She has over 6 years experience in retail but try and get an position and they start throwing excuses around like "oh you don't have enough clothing retail experience." Excuse me? I sell shit, deal with customers, do inventory etc...have a university degree and a college diploma and I wear clothes what more are you looking for?

44- Where can I apply for the ass man job? :p

olpally 32

Keep trying op, you'll get an interview eventually!

Dreamsorrow93 24

I'd say work on your resume. If they are not looking at it, means it is not eye catching.

Yes, this is important to revise. Maybe you can google good ways to revise your resume

I know your pain, I've sent several applications without getting response too :(

Dreamsorrow93 24

I have resorted to a temp agency.

Well just keep trying and you'll eventually get a job

build a professional resume & apply everywhere in your field. Sooner or later you're gonna get a job. stay positive

23lf 16

Be glad the other companies didn't hire you, they are complete dicks!

yes op, be glad you didn't get hired. perfect logic

Keep pounding the pavement and applying online. Law of numbers proves that if you apply enough, you'll eventually get those positive responses.

Props for having a positive attitude! :D