By Godi - 10/12/2009 19:00 - United States

Today, I got a call from my girlfriend of 13 months. She told me that she had gotten chlamydia from the guy she cheated on me with, and that I most likely have it too. I gave her a diamond ring, she gave me chlamydia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 907
You deserved it 2 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow..... take the ring back and dump her ass

your girlfriend is now a blinged up, cheating ***** with a grotty ******.


Simply_J 0

Everyone Clap for Op, b/c he certainly is... "So make it clap" - in Sean Paul's reagge voice!

Chlamydia, yay. What a nice surprise. She shouldn't have gone through all that trouble to show you her appreciation of your love.

13 months and you gave her a diamond ring. you lose the game.

donttouchmypizza 0

well...atleast you can get rid of chlamydia, could be could be herpes :D

schwinn11 0

also no matter what your results, tell her you tested negative for the clap, this will probably piss her off, i dont know if its the same now, but they used to just give you a pill the first time you get it. wish her ***** ass, and her new disease infested boyfriend a happy life, you're better off my man, you dont need some ***** holding you down, trust me! what goes around comes around, she will get what's coming to her and chances are you will be around when she gets it, try not to laugh to hard when it happens

bitchesandburbon 0

that sounds like one of thos effed up Trojan commercials.....wait...13 months? stupid bitch I been with my man for 2 years....still no jewlery. dumb **** u deserve better!

OP here. And yeah, I did give her the ring before she told me that. Fun. Interesting responses.

Glad we could entertain you during your F*'ed up situation. Sorry, I'm sure things will work out for you. Hugs...

theloofy 0

Every kiss begins with K. Sex begins with S. So does STD.

well obviously they both start with seeing ad how the s in STD stands for 'sexually'

queenconeja 0

well that depresses me..u were dating this girl for a year & 1 month and she already gets a diamond ring?!

dam man these comments r funny but thats kinda ****** so did u test positive?