By Anonymous - 01/09/2014 14:08 - United States

Today, I wrecked my car because my mom texted me, telling me not to text and drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 625
You deserved it 45 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ironic, but still- you were the one still checking your phone. Next time just put it in "Do Not Disturb" mode.

YDI. You shouldn't have looked at the text in the first place! Get a Bluetooth and use it for calls to be safe. On some phones you can even make texts and have it read you new texts. But in no situation is it ok to look at your phone or read texts while you're driving! If you can't use a Bluetooth then pull over to touch your phone. Better safe than sorry.


it wasnt her fault, "mom" didnt know she was in the car aand she didnt force her to read it so i suggest you identify where the fault is first

The word "because" before "my mom texted me" is a pretty strong indication of fault. IE, their fault for checking/acknowledging the text while driving.

I guess OP isn't aware that just because you get a text doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it, YDI. good job.

octinate 17

If you had listened to her, your car would not be wrecked right now.

incoherentrmblr 21

Ironic, but still- you were the one still checking your phone. Next time just put it in "Do Not Disturb" mode.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Or just don't look at it, it's not that difficult.

Sometimes you get the urge to read a message though.

That's why you stop somewhere or wait till you're at a stop light.

don't look at a stop light, jerks sit there and miss the light so that only a few people make it through. its rude and its still texting and driving according to the law in my state. seriously, now that I have pointed it out to you, you'll see it everywhere, idiots on their phone at lights. here's the thing, its only a phone, it can wait. Wait til after your drive, dinner, class ext. . its just a phone!

At a stop light it would be ok to check the text 'cause that'll only take a few seconds however don't start a huge conversation in the middle of the damn road

YDI. You shouldn't have looked at the text in the first place! Get a Bluetooth and use it for calls to be safe. On some phones you can even make texts and have it read you new texts. But in no situation is it ok to look at your phone or read texts while you're driving! If you can't use a Bluetooth then pull over to touch your phone. Better safe than sorry.

Look at it this way op is that text worth possibly dying over? I highly doubt there is any text worth dyin over, Sooo put the phone down

Even though legal in most states, hands free devices are just as dangerous because the part about being on the phone that is dangerous is thinking about the conversation. Having your phone out and looking at it is of course worse, but having to use all of your cognitive abilities talking will make you an unobservant driver, regardless of where the phone actually is.

So then why isn't it also illegal to have conversations with someone else in the car? It doesn't (or shouldn't...) take up ALL your cognitive skills to talk. The distraction is part of the problem, yes, but it's also not having both hands free if you need them. Bluetooth headsets at least eliminate one part of the problem.

It's not illegal to hold a conversation with a passenger because that would be asinine, and no where in my comment was it said nor implied that I thought that hands free devices should be illegal.

Well, what if someone is following you and you need to call the police, but have no Bluetooth and you can't pull over because they will get you? There are exceptions. But only ones that are life-threatening any way you put it, of course. Just sayin'...

anniemeece 23

So maybe you shouldn't have checked the text? I never check texts while driving. It can wait.

still not a reason to check your phone.. ydi!

I hope you are fine. BTW, you have learned a lesson for life. Never touch your phone while driving.

skankydairyman 5

Im pretty sure schools teach this about every year about how you shouldnt text and drive and that even though your mom texted you, you shouldve known better. YDI

I also saw a video where they made people take a special "driving test" where they had to be able to send text messages while driving in order to pass. All of the people said it was impossible and gave up before they crashed. Really shows you just how dangerous it is...

Sucks, but no text can be important enough to risk wrecking a car

Exactly true. You either stop the car, or wait until you CAN check it.

orbit 22

What if it was a text that could save millions of lives?

Forget the car #12! No text is worth risking an innocent pedestrian or other road user's life because you've taken your eyes off the road. Not to mention putting your own life at risk. OP should be ashamed.

Some people....smh...op COMPLETELY deserved it. Phone on silent, eyes on the road. You can wait..if you can't don't drive.

What are the odds of THAT happening, 45? Not even slim, just nonexistent. Unless you're the freakin President of the United States, you're nowhere near important enough to be given that choice, or To save any life, for that matter, save for maybe doctors or nurses on call. Get real, kid.