By gross - 09/04/2015 16:00 - United States - Muskegon

Today, I got a bikini as a birthday present. I pulled the bikini bottom out of the box first, only to find a pubic hair stuck to the hygienic liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 699
You deserved it 2 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So are you thinking your boyfriend tried it on first?

That's why I think you should always wash the clothes you buy before putting them on.. Just in case


hunterluv1 20

it's not a hand-me-down, someone just tried it on in the store without underwear on

This makes me slightly afraid to buy another bikini at the store. o.o

funfact... you can get herpes from trying swimsuits on without washing them first

badluckalex 23

Hahaha not so fun when you find out you have herpes and have no idea where it came from

Thank you for that fun fact. It made me feel even more afraid. Haha

So are you thinking your boyfriend tried it on first?

Still nasty but I'd rather it be my boyfriend's pube than some random stranger.

i think everybody knew that already #68

I'm so glad you said that, i wasn't sure if it was but i am so relieved now :)

That's absolutely disgusting. I would disinfect that right away. Don't let it ruin your birthday!

You mean give it back to the person that offered it?

But #5 did say something.. No need to be so rude about it.

#5 How dare you post that, prepare for the judgemental downvotes from the almighty FML community. Tremble in fear at our grammatical accuracy weakling!

The grammatical accuracy that you don't seem to be able to grasp, #30.

#23 I'm not normally a grammar nazi, but it's ANYTHING****

#79- This is both a website and an app. lol

This was a website before it was an app. Just sayin'.

chefnoel22 11

At least it was on the liner??

mif_fml 27

The liner is a removeable tape like piece inside the crotch. She meant that's better than it actually being in the swim suit.

That's why I think you should always wash the clothes you buy before putting them on.. Just in case

Even if I washed them, I dont think I could forget that hair every time I looked at them.

Someone must've liked being all natural.