Wet dream

By Sara - 11/02/2022 04:01

Today, I woke up and realized I was soaked. The night before, I'd felt cramps so I was convinced it was my period… until I realized that my cat had marked his territory on me. All my sheets and blankets had to be removed. Yup, soaked right through! FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 032
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grumpy Jack 26

You can use baking soda, fuller's earth (some kind of clay in powder), sand or flour to absorb the humidity caused by urine. Baking soda and fuller's earth absorb odors. Let chemistry do its thing then vacuum and the stain should be gone. I used fuller's earth last time my kids peed on their bed or spilled soda on the couch.

I'll bet you're angry. You must be so pissed on!


Grumpy Jack 26

You can use baking soda, fuller's earth (some kind of clay in powder), sand or flour to absorb the humidity caused by urine. Baking soda and fuller's earth absorb odors. Let chemistry do its thing then vacuum and the stain should be gone. I used fuller's earth last time my kids peed on their bed or spilled soda on the couch.

I'll bet you're angry. You must be so pissed on!

ashlston 12

He's mad at you, that's not how cats mark their territory.. they spray

You may want to take the cat to the vet. They can act out when they are very distressed.

Either your cats litter box is dirty or they have a UTI. Vet visit is in order. Cats spray when they mark their territory.