Going well is it?

By Anonymous - 30/12/2021 03:31 - India - Mumbai

Today, I analysed my first mock test for an exam I have to take in 5 months. I got 31/150. FML
I agree, your life sucks 842
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had a college professor who on the second day of class, gave us the classes final exam. No one scored higher than 10% on the test. That same final was given on the last day of class, and no one got less than 90% on the test. So you still have lots of learning and studying to do for the next 5 months. I bet you score way better on it in 5 months.

Hmm, looks pretty hopeless. Drop out of school and sell your kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder, hair and nail clippings. That'll give you a nice life for a while.


I had a college professor who on the second day of class, gave us the classes final exam. No one scored higher than 10% on the test. That same final was given on the last day of class, and no one got less than 90% on the test. So you still have lots of learning and studying to do for the next 5 months. I bet you score way better on it in 5 months.

Hmm, looks pretty hopeless. Drop out of school and sell your kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder, hair and nail clippings. That'll give you a nice life for a while.

About $200 a gram without nail fungus. With nail fungus: Much more!

george1986 7

don't beat yourself up too bad. I don't consider this an fml. your doing everything right! that is why I didn't vote fml or ydi.

bobsanction 18

Well you got 5 months to learn.

What, five months to study? You'll do great. You know where you need to start; all that's left is to break it down into sections and space it out. You probably have enough time for breaks and relaxation in there, which will help your memory. You're gonna be fine.

Royal Sataness 4

Of course you scored low. You haven't learned the material yet. This was given as a cheat sheet of sorts to show you what you will be learning in the future and what you need to memorize from that.

I did a final exam a few years ago with a pass mark of 50%. A week before the exam, I scored 43.5% in the mock. I was pretty heartbroken. The real exam went terribly. I came home and cried. Got my results a few months later; got 75%. Don’t panic. Plenty of time to study.