By HeadTrauma - 20/01/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, I had a dream that I was 25, unemployed, living with my parents, and still completely in love with someone who no longer feels the same way about me. Oh wait... it wasn't a dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 335
You deserved it 7 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.. identical. I also live with my alcoholic dad, turn 26 in a couple weeks and ********** using my tears as lube

aw. well. when one door closes, a window's bound to open right? and if not...well ******* break the window its all good. be the change you wanna see?


wow.. identical. I also live with my alcoholic dad, turn 26 in a couple weeks and ********** using my tears as lube

How does that work? Is it better than lotion?

lmngrl889 14

this FML is almost identical to my life story as we. I feel for you op

aw. well. when one door closes, a window's bound to open right? and if not...well ******* break the window its all good. be the change you wanna see?

Tygastyle 0

I'm more troubled by the trite error/self-correction "clever" syntax, personally.

This is me. :S I'm a virgin, on top of all that.

Crackerman 0

I'm five years older....but otherwise, exact same boat!

Lol sounds like my life.. except I have a job. My girlfriend left me, and I can't afford to rent my flat anymore, so I have to move back in with my mum next month.

spitfire921 0 sympathies friend, get yourself out there! you could get a job! i understand you about the love part though :/

MukyDaCookie 0

That rough man. If it means anything, I love the way you put it.

damn....exact same boat over here! Only reason I'm jobless, and back here after being kicked out of our apartment, is because her dad doesn't like me and fired me, in return, had his daughter think I was a loser and broke up with me. He had a black eye for 2 weeks after I was done with him....I now have a restraining order on me from both of them.

simplicityx3 0

wow, you sound identical to my ex.