By diplomaless - 14/09/2009 18:58 - United States

Today, I found out the high school I have been doing at home for the past 3 years isn't accredited and doesn't count for anything. I'm 18 and starting high school as a freshman next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 473
You deserved it 19 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

Some high schools don't allow students over 21. Good luck with that, and I mean it sincerely, cause that sucks.

You should ahve investigated it earlier tbh... I mean, how can you not know it? Were there more people in that school anyway?


biggestfan 0

YDI. I mean, seriously? It's really easy to see if an online school or class is accredited.

pommeblossom 0

I'm so sorry, but this should have been thoroughly researched before you started.

NYItalianGirl1 0

I also do a homeschool program in Florida... Idk what one you're talking about but if it is FLVS or a derivative of it, then it is accredited and they do give out high school diplomas starting this year.

Unregistered 0

Well an education for you is worthless anyways i mean what do you need to learn about cooking/cleaning/sucking dick that you cant learn on the internet? I say drop out find a man and do the job that society has assigned you

realggirl 0

Who cares if it's accredited? Just move on with your life. If you get asked on some application in the future if you have a GED, just say you were homeschooled. Problem solved. Considering 15% of people in America are or were homeschooled it's not exactly a big deal. To be honest, it would be redoing those 3 years of high school that I think would be a *big* mistake.

realggirl 0

Who needs an "excuse" to be homeschooled? I think the only "excuse" would be that learning is important to you and you don't want school to get in the way of your education.

YDI in my opinion always research before you get far.~ On the other hand I feel bad for you. FYL ;o

catherine42 0

well, at least high school will be easy because you've already learned everything... my suggestion is to take summer classes so you can graduate in only three years.

I was home schooled and due to moving around a lot didn't really keep up with the State as far as testing and all that stuff i.e. under the radar. When i was 17 I started Community College w/o a social security # (I later got one). I am now a third year medical student in a school which has just gotten its re-accreditation. Don't waste your time with going back to high school. Get a GED and do community college and actually get credits that will apply to your eventual college degree. However, if you want to have that high school experience Go for it. Best of luck to you.