Ex-Lax Time

By savagepixie - 01/06/2019 14:09

Today, my boyfriend and I were playing around, and he thought it would be funny to steal my ring and "pretend" to swallow it. I tried to get it back, but unfortunately I "surprised" him. He reckons I'll get it back some time tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 775
You deserved it 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs to buy you a new ring. When he gets the old one out of his shit, he can wash it off and sell it.

WeirdUS 29

Really immature. Especially with something that is important to you. Keep dating and you’re going to have more fun like this.


He needs to buy you a new ring. When he gets the old one out of his shit, he can wash it off and sell it.

His protologist might get a surprise proposal if he doesn't expel it soon.

Maybe his way of taking the ring back without too many tears and questions.

WeirdUS 29

Really immature. Especially with something that is important to you. Keep dating and you’re going to have more fun like this.

Don't worry, it'll all come out ok in the end.