By diplomaless - 14/09/2009 18:58 - United States

Today, I found out the high school I have been doing at home for the past 3 years isn't accredited and doesn't count for anything. I'm 18 and starting high school as a freshman next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 473
You deserved it 19 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

Some high schools don't allow students over 21. Good luck with that, and I mean it sincerely, cause that sucks.

You should ahve investigated it earlier tbh... I mean, how can you not know it? Were there more people in that school anyway?


wtf?! i've never heard of anything like this... that REALLY sucks..... :|

Roses are red Violets are blue Your parents are hippies Graduate at 22

This is a FYL for sure. If op started when they were 14, it would be their parents responsibility to check credentials. Sorry you have incompetent parents.

Holy ****. FAIL. FYL. I don't even want to repeat my last few weeks of my freshman year! I'd kill myself.

Good lord. **** your life, though high school is damn easy. /wrists

Or, you could just go to college. There are lots of crappy colleges/universities in Florida that happily take students without high school diplomas.

Not false. My high school math teacher told us he was on probation his entire time in college because he had no high school diploma. So it's entirely possible. Depends on the school.

ecce 20

yeah it's not as easy to get into school in florida as some people think it is. Unless you wanna go to a community college. Which is better than nothing, i suppose. But honestly, i really do feel for you.

boatkicker 4

Most community colleges accept you without a diploma. Then you can just transfer to a 4-year school, which most will allow you to do if you keep decent grades, even if you don't have a diploma.

Yeah, just go to college. I went without having a diploma. I was homeschooled.

How do you not have a diploma? I was homeschooled through high school, and I had a graduation, which included other people, AND included a diploma. And yes, it was real, it was obtained through the state.

that sucks, but you should be able to fly through high school now, take courses online or something.

hairytoenails 0

ydi for being a venus llama plant

Okay, I had the same problem. What I did is I went to my new accredited schools guidance and explained my problem. I had to make a portfolio full of work I did over the past years, and then I wrote how I met each state framework/standard. :) I got full credit for each class I did (though it was a lot of work to write the standards/frameworks) and got out of school within a month.

WOW! An actual helpful and constructive comment on FML! FIVE STARS!!!!!!