By Infected - 20/02/2011 17:30 - United States

Today, I found out the girl I gave my virginity to gave me gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 016
You deserved it 19 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It isn't the gift that keeps on giving, but you might want to give her a good call or two to all her other lovers.

Should have used a condom. Learn your lesson before you catch something that's not as easily cured.


Sorry , got my facts wrong . it IS curable , with anitbiotics .

Sorry buddy. You choice a bad ****** to stick your **** into.

ok is it so difficult 2 use protection???? maybe u wont be such an idiot next time huh?

in the heat of the moment, especially when you're a virgin, you don't carry that shit with you. all you're thinking about is ******* and down below

You can still get STD's from anal and oral. Just thought I'd let you know.

my first time i used protection, it's stupid not to

wendyyyy 0

depends on if you want children or not... but uhm maybe he should have made her get tested for stds before losing his viginity card would have been smart.

Lol, I think that's the first time I've ever seen "virginity card" spelled out. Congrats.

twinrlw9 3
orgasm_blush 4

Omg! That'll make someone not want to have sex again.

Daaamn. What an awesome start to a sex life. Fyl.

ToxixShots 0

the gift that keeps on giving and always were rubber

Autoshot 9

don't get sick, protect your dick

fthku 13

I realise you worded it as you did for the sake of the FML, but it still sounds gay when a guy says he "gave his virginity".

Why is it gay? Lame double standard...

fthku 13

I have a gay friend. When he does something "gay", or when I do something "gay", we both say it to each other. In fact, he would probably say the very same thing to OP. Got your humor lobotomized?

Nellygirl 0

Still I'm trying to figure out how a man "giving his virginity" would be gay. And how the hell is that statement humorous?

wikkedphuka 0

how is it gay??? ohhh so u havnt given ur virginity to a girl ur still a virgin