By bruh_im18 - 17/09/2016 16:18 - United States - Metairie

Today, I found out the 28-year-old I am dating is actually 48. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 041
You deserved it 2 601

Same thing different taste

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Finally, an FML that illustrates the repercussions of all those "fun" age-swap movies. Age-swaps are no laughing matter—don't let those Freaky Fridays, Bigs, or 17 Agains fool you!


Coffee5555 14

happend to me once, found out the 28 year-old i am dating is actually 8...... ..... seriously OP??! that makes no sense

Not really a comparison that works. Obviously the difference between an 8 year old and 28 year old is hugely more noticeable than the difference between a 28 and 48 year old.

******* run, that is predatory behavior. I could understand 28, but 48? They're old enough to be your grandparent, just shy of being old enough to be your great grandparent. And that's not even touching the amount of lying and dishonesty in pretending to be two DECADES younger than they actually are.

They're only old enough to be their grandparent if the whole family was having kids at like 15. When I was 18 two years ago, most of my friends' parents were over 50. However, that doesn't make the partner's lying any better that they're only parental age, not grandparent.

Different areas have different common ages for first children. In certain areas of the US, having your first kid at age 18 or earlier, is still not only common but expected. And the point that the behavior is predatory as hell stands.

Holy hell a 48 year old great grandparent when you're 18??

It does happen. Not commonly, but it does. But yes, it is still a bit horrifying, but my point was that it was in the realm of possibility.

I wish I could edit, but, rereading my comment, the "great" wasn't supposed to be there- I suspect auto correct was attempting to be helpful. But great grandparents with that age timing do happen, even in the USA.

If you are 18 you will not have a great grandparent who is 48, unless the last 3 generations had kids when they were 10. The only exception would be some rare adoption scenario.

ohsnapword 21

What gave it away? The gray/thinning hair?

Wow, that's what I call good looking for his age! Make sure he always has ample provision of For Men Only hair color and Polident denture cleaner.

This sounds like a show I'm watching called "younger" lol

I think the real problem is not the age but the fact that he lied about it. He lied about age, you start to wonder what else he lied about.

There's a large age gap between my husband and I. However, we did not lie to each other about it. That is a big red flag.

i was picturing this being a 40ish year old guy, then I read the user name.

This has happened to me. He said he was 32, he was actually going on 39.

Lying like that is awful but I'd say that telling someone you're 32 when you're actually 38 isn't quite as bad as telling an 18 year old that you're 28 when you're actually a full 20 years older than that.