By CouldBeALoser - 17/09/2016 18:26 - United States - West Tehama County

Today, I ordered flowers to be delivered to my workplace on Tuesday. To myself. For my birthday. Because even though birthdays are posted in the monthly newsletter, mine gets left out every year. For the past four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 955
You deserved it 1 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure simply notifying whoever is in charge of this newsletter of their mistake after it happened the first time could have resolved this issue.

Pfft, sending flowers to yourself?! You sound like quite a loser, OP. As for me, I just have my mom send flowers to save face in front of those who live rich socially fulfilling lives. *puts on sunglasses to hide tears*


Well do you have something to do Tuesday night to make a better birthday for yourself?

So it's been four years and you haven't spoken up about it?

bre88 18

It doesn't say anywhere that the OP hasn't spoken up about her birthday. It's possible that she has and that her request was either forgotten or ignored by someone that for one reason or another may not like her.

They most likely have a database of everyone's information/birthday. It's not like the person who does the newsletter would want to memorize every single employee's birthday.

That's true, but it could still get lost in the other tasks the in-charge worker has to do. I had my name spelled wrong on a weekly roster at my old work. Took 6 months of me bothering them about it before they fixed it.

friedpwnadge 25
species4872 19

Keep your chin up, Things can always get worse, they could deliver them to the wrong place.

I'm sure simply notifying whoever is in charge of this newsletter of their mistake after it happened the first time could have resolved this issue.

Pfft, sending flowers to yourself?! You sound like quite a loser, OP. As for me, I just have my mom send flowers to save face in front of those who live rich socially fulfilling lives. *puts on sunglasses to hide tears*

Don't cry, it will get better. Wait, maybe not, but that's none of my business.

Just speak out and save that money spent on the flowers for something else that's better or more useful than flowers. ..

who needs birthdays anyways? they're only a reminder that you're getting closer to your own death. Your colleagues aren't cruel enough to celebrate something like that. (at least that's what I keep telling myself every year :/

There's plenty of ways to describe your birthday. I see it aging farther away from when you were a babe. Most of them are fairly true if you think about them :)

Sorry, OP, that is kinda shitty. When I was in 2nd-4th grade, the principal would read off the names of kids who had a birthday that day on the announcements so that they could get a free slice of cake at lunch and a party hat, and my birthday didn't get called all three years! I actually broke down and cried the third time it happened. X'D Maybe tell the person in charge of that? Hope you still had a good bday~

That's awful! D: did the school make it up to you?

I hope you sent yourself a beautiful bouquet. You deserve the best. Happy early Birthday!