By family heirloom gone - 17/11/2018 12:00

Today, my husband threw away the cast iron skillet my family has cooked with for generations because it had some specks of rust that were perfectly fixable. My 5th great-grandfather had that skillet in 1890 when he was a chuck wagon driver for the cowboys during their cattle drives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 082
You deserved it 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxWTFxx1981 23

That sucks but more so how are you two married he can't know you too well if he didn't know it was a family heirloom...

oh wow! is there any way you can get it back? even going to landfill


oh wow! is there any way you can get it back? even going to landfill

It is always possible that your family has lied to you and it is not the same skillet. At any rate I'm glad my husband doesn't really touch my cooking things. In all honesty I'm very fond of my cast iron skillet even though it is this generation old. In my eyes it is valuable and not something to be tossed out. I hope it wasn't too late and you were able to save it from the trash.

xxWTFxx1981 23

That sucks but more so how are you two married he can't know you too well if he didn't know it was a family heirloom...

Maybe he just didn't care, which is more shitty.

tounces7 27

If he doesn't care, and she stays with him anyway, that's when this becomes a YDI.

Santorini Lawrencia 19

He should've given it to the museum.

Jorn van der Ar 13

Did he know it had sentimental value for you?

you should look for something he values highly and throw it in the trash

tarabella 7

Lady, ffs, dishes are not that expensive! It's time to stop using centuries old stuff

tarabella 7

It was a joke. So you are the idiot for not getting it. Moron

Apparently you have never had to find a GOOD cooking pan. Dishes are not expensive, cookware is very expensive and quality ones are a bitch to find. A nice set of pots and pans is over $2,000. Cast iron pans can be $50+ per pan. I asked for a couple cast iron pans for xmas.

skippy474 0

the thing about cast Irons is the older and more used they are, the better the food cooked on em tastes. cast irons are seasoned by every dish you cook in them. that's why having a centuries old skillet os huge

I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for the loss of your piece of valuable family history. I really hope you were able to recover it. :(

If he didn't know what it was then you can't blame him. If he did know what it was, I suggest you get on that divorce paperwork.

But how could he not know? She surely told about it, seeing how proud she was of owning it. Maybe he didn't listen when she did