By therapygal - 17/11/2018 15:30

Today, my girlfriend got very mad at me after finding several appointments with "Amanda" in my calendar. Amanda is my psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 699
You deserved it 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe take her with you to your next appointment. She seems to get jealous easily.

It’s always a good idea to have a legit-sounding backstory for your side pieces. Way to go, Playah! Say hi to Amanda for me next time you’re on her couch. ;)


Maybe take her with you to your next appointment. She seems to get jealous easily.

I say your life sucks because she jumped the gun, but you deserve it for placing the name Amanda. You could've stated what type of appointment it was or abbreviated it.

OP deserved it? I don't want to jump to conclusions but it looks like, at the very least, you haven't been on the receiving end of constant unwarranted jealousy. OP didn't write anything sugestive like "mistress", "lover", "stripper party", etc. He just wrote a single, simple name. In my case, if I wrote "Amanda" instead of "psychiatrist" it would be to lessen the mental impact of knowing I am unwell every time I look at my calendar. A simple "Who's Amanda?" from the gf would and should have sufficed

I was saying YDI because it was very easily preventable. I still feel bad for him, but he could've at least told his girlfriend who Amanda is ahead of time or stated the appointment in the calendar. I have received jealousy before. Some of it was my fault because I didn't explain to my partner at the time what was really going on which could've prevented arguments, and other times were not my fault.

Gamessence 19

maybe she shouldn't have been snooping through his phone smh. probably just looking for a reason to start shit.

julfunky 29

She shouldn’t have to cover her bases every time she has an appointment with a ******* female. Going to the psychiatrist is a very personal and possibly embarrassing thing to certain people. If she wasn’t ready to open up about such a thing then it’s her right to wait until she’s ready. She shouldn’t have to spill everything right away because her girlfriend is jealous.

Relationships need communication. If there is little to no communication, it won't last.

"it's my fault my partner got jealous" way to normalize toxic behaviour... I speak from my perspective, but seriously, a single name should not cause arguments. I repeat: the gf should have asked who Amanda is, that's it, no need to argue. While I agree communication is key in a relationship, inherent trust in your partner is also mandatory

whiskey'swino 15

It is very odd to list your psychiatrist by her first name. You should have more of a professional relationship, that makes it look too personal.

tounces7 27

It's a therapist. You get about as personal as one can get with them. Most likely the Therapist said to call her by her name.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Yeah i am married i get jealousy is a pain but common sense should tell you put appt therapy or at least just a last name. but yeah that jealousy stuff is for birds...

It’s always a good idea to have a legit-sounding backstory for your side pieces. Way to go, Playah! Say hi to Amanda for me next time you’re on her couch. ;)

ohsnapword 21

SOunds like your girlfriend also needs to see Amanda.

I feel like maybe your girlfriend probably should’ve already known you had a psychologist

Gamessence 19

maybe he feels embarrassed about the fact that he considers himself unwell due to seeing one

How long have you been dating? If a while, you'd think she'd know. If recent... sounds like she has issues.

And now we know why you need to see Amanda regularly

You mark your calendar with the first name of your shrink instead of just "shrink". Yeah, kinda brought this one on yourself.