By Username - 02/08/2011 06:46 - United States

Today, I found out that the crazy old man that sleep walks naked around my neighborhood every night is my grandpa. And he's not sleepwalking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 871
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste


allthatremains25 0

He's on a midnight snack run for prunes

More like he's flaunting his prunes while on a midnight walk.

Be afraid... Perhaps your father does the same... And may be you will be a day walker... You carry this software in your genes

Maybe he's out trolling for Boy Scouts by dangling his "rod & tackle" Hey look, it could be worse, Grandpa could be sleep walking in your house - coming into your room - and the rest is too horrible to describe...

maybe it was part of the initiation process for the night club