By anonamous - 17/07/2009 16:59 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife gave me head lice on purpose so I would have to cut off the ponytail that I've been growing since '99. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 222
You deserved it 96 720

Same thing different taste


I'm in team wife idk what was more harsh head lice or a ten year old ponytail

Anon17564 3

You had to lose your hair? Fine. No problem. Now she loses hers. And don't bother with the lice or anything; electric razor does the job surer and more satisfying. :)

If this happened to me, I would put nair in her conditioner. I know. I'm a horrible person.

Wow that suks. HAY,idiots above he could be an ol'time cowboy

YDI for having a ponytail in the first place.

killinmesmalls 0

How on earth do you purposefully give someone head lice? That is cruel and unusual. One of my old friends has a pony tail he is 21 and still a virgin.

theswarm666x 1

here is a point no one has stated. (unless i missed it). where was she when he started to grow it. if the hair was first it was her fault for getting into the commitment when she knew about the hair. it was her fault because if it was that big of an issue to her she should have done something 10 years ago.

Yes, there's a shampoo for that, which so many others have said. Yes, it's hard to get that fine tooth comb through really long hair. But before you cut off your hair, do a bit of research. Lice live on your scalp, and they lay their eggs as close to the scalp as possible. So the fact that you've got a pony tail wouldn't actually affect them that much. You don't really need to get the shampoo/tea tree oil/kerosene (my dad washed my hair with kero when I was about ten, after months and months of getting rid of them and then getting them back from someone at school. I haven't had them again since) all the way to the tips. TL;DR - You're a dumb shit. I'm not entering into the attractiveness of manly ponytails debate.

KC_369 0

Ewwwww a ponytail on a guy.? That's nasty. Good for her.