By anonamous - 17/07/2009 16:59 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife gave me head lice on purpose so I would have to cut off the ponytail that I've been growing since '99. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 222
You deserved it 96 720

Same thing different taste


RARHhhhhh 0

hun u should be glad u got rid of the ponytil but not in such a bitchie way! if she was always conplainin about it u should of just dun what u wife sad but since u didnt want to agree with her welll hey now u have ur hair cut and some nice lice in ur hair. but u wife will get shit from it in the long run.

TrAnMu 0

YDI for having a ponytail. Bleh.

Jamila_fml 0

A) You didn't have to cut it off. Lice Shampoo or whatever it's called. B) For everyone who keeps saying ponytails are gross (mostly girls): You're shallow and have no right to judge anyone for how they want to wear their hair. What's wrong with you girls? Ponytails on guys can be really hot if he keeps it nice and well groomed. Get over yourselves. C) That sucks that your wife is kind of a bitch... D) Good luck growing out your ponytail for the next 10 years...?

vampirerebel 0

Oh, you didn't have to cut it off... I grew my hair out for 9 years, got head lice multiple times and never even trimmed it. Just use lice shampoo and a comb in the future. There's nothing wrong with ponytails on guys. You aren't even necessarily a "hippie" if you have a ponytail! get over yourselves.

HAHAHAHAHAHA GO WIFE!!!! lol. okay, mean and sneaky way, but YES. if my husband had a ponytail for TEN YEARS, I'd do it too. lol

I am a guy and I have a ponytail. To all you assholes who think that's wrong- **** you. If you're a guy and you say that- you're an insecure douche trying to be manly. If you're a girl- you're a closed-minded dominatrix bitch. (that applies to the guy's wife obviously) I hope you divorce that bitch and grow it back out. **** people who try to tell you what to do.

twindaddy 0

Wow, what a bitch. Time to find a new wife.

Wow, 10 years with a single hair style, and it's a ponytail. I agree with what most people said; Very, very few guys can pull off a ponytail. I also love how the only people defending the ponytail are the people with ponytails. When are you guys gonna take a hint?

Am I the only girl who thinks that he had every right to keep his hair long if he so chooses? Yeah, a guy should respect his wife, but if he REALLY wanted long hair, he should be able to keep it long without her going all Thunderbitch on him. Second, the only problem with guys who have long hair are the ones who don't take care of it. As long as OP maintained his hair (Wash/condition, regular trims, brushing it out daily) then he has every right to have long hair. Third, have you ever tried getting rid of lice with a foot or more of hair? It's hell in a handbasket. A few years ago, someone gave my entire group of friends head lice. I used every method, a few times, and I still spent 2+ months with lice. (I was 13, BTW) My mom was very close to making me get it cut, and I had about a foot. So, FYL. And yeah, your wife is a manipulative bitch. Find a new one ASAP.