By ItchItchBaby - 09/09/2017 13:00

Today, 2 hours before a 13-hour flight, I found out I had head lice. I'm a 24-year-old woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 107
You deserved it 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

What does age have to do with getting hair lice? It can happen to anyone at any age.

What does your age or sex have to do with getting head lice? They don't discriminate. I made a comment on FML and I'm a 29 year old male.


EnvyMe33 26

Time to shave your head besides you don't want to be a dick and spread it to others...

Lobby_Bee 17

What does age have to do with getting hair lice? It can happen to anyone at any age.

chessu 21

Yeah, but it's a lot more common amongst children.

What does your age or sex have to do with getting head lice? They don't discriminate. I made a comment on FML and I'm a 29 year old male.

Mfisher394 16

You should either cancel your flight, OR take ALL the proper precautions to ensure it doesn't spread. Spreading it due to carelessness would be a real LOUSEy thing to do.

No bad pun spelling neccesary, as lousy literally means infested with lice.

Mfisher394 16

I'm glad someone else appreciated it, lol

Shave your head and tell everyone you had a Britney moment.

Why did this even make it to the page? Slow FML day?

Buy a hat at one of those airport shops. Make sure you try on many hats to be sure you get the perfect one!

Well, have fun shaving your head. On the bright side, maybe the you'll be mistaken for a cancer patient and given a free upgrade. I'm just saying, stranger things have happened.

Elizabeth McElveen Horne 19

They make shampoo for headlice...

gobiteme2 34

Hold up your head proudly. Just make sure you have lice shampoo and a clear bag over your head. Unexpected surprise is all the leg and arm room you will have.

Well, it is still possible for adults to get head lice. Do you work with a lot of children, or are you around them a lot? Still, that sucks, but at least you can treat it.