By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 01:24 - United States

Today, I found out that my little brother has been rubbing my toothbrush in dog shit for the last month because I accidentally broke one of his toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 458
You deserved it 4 675

Same thing different taste


How did you not know it had dog shit on it? You deserved every shitty brushing.

Dirty mouth... Clean it up with orbitz.

skyeyez9 24

Now that your brother's passive aggressive tactic has been revealed, you can get revenge by shoving his face into a fresh pile Of shit.

**** that, " accidentally " break ALL his toys ;)

How did you not notice the dog poop? Do you close your eyes and hold your nose every time you brush your teeth?

mz_luna 2

If that were my brother I'd break his mouth! That's sick!

ydi for not noticing the strange substance on your toothbrush or the smell.

You should break the rest of his toys

I'm with everyone else here; I don't see how in the hell you couldn't have noticed. Stained bristles, nasty smell, SOMETHING should have tipped you off. I say YDI because I really don't see how a person could be stupid enough not to notice.