By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 01:24 - United States

Today, I found out that my little brother has been rubbing my toothbrush in dog shit for the last month because I accidentally broke one of his toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 458
You deserved it 4 675

Same thing different taste


IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

No kidding, pokemon is worth it. (:

Ilovemaddy2011 3

As forest gump says.... SHIT HAPPENS. Nah but Foreal you've been ingesting shit 0_o!!! Just put some dog shit in his chocolate milk and shake that bitch up!

EWWW! Im so sorry your brother did that... How did u not notice though??

jackassfan 7

How could you not taste the shit?

jaredofmo 22

I hope you also use mouthwash.

tony1891 22

I'm sure he did it on accident. when it comes to kids and their toys anything goes tho.

perdix 29

You'd use a toothbrush with brown bristles?

jayfreeman80 0

Good for him!!! You should have replaced the toy you broke!!!!