By YouBossturd - 10/11/2015 15:17 - United States - Washington

Today, I found out that my immediate supervisor had modified my phone in the priority order at our call center. As a result, any calls that came in during the night shift would be routed to my phone first, so that he can play games on his phone uninterrupted. It's been a whole year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 204
You deserved it 1 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Route it back, then have your friends call him every five minutes as revenge


Look at it this way. For one year you've been the go to guy/girl and it has been documented!

Problem is, this boss sounds like the type that would take all of the credit for choosing OP to do this task.

It's time to talk to upper management and address the situation, unless his job is to indulge in video games he is severely neglecting his work

The only issue I see in this is the games part. Of course the calls go through to OP first, they're the operator - taking the calls is their job! Taking over flow is the Supervisors job so having the calls routed to the csr is pretty standard call centre practice.

kev1029 22
rachnich 1

It's funny to see these comments, route it back. I work in a call center too and there is no way to route it back. From my experience, "the bridge" people are the ones who route call.

genius move though- gotta give him some credit for being clever