By SoGoodAtLife - 09/03/2016 19:30 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I gave my boss a ride home from work. I had my phone on hands-free mode, so all calls would come through on speaker. I got a call from the new job I was applying at, with my boss listening to each word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 357
You deserved it 6 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he will give you a raise now he knows you're looking else where.

Soooo... I guess you can kiss that reference goodbye.


Something tells me you're gonna need that new job

You must have applied for it as you're unhappy with your current one! Now you won't even have to resign xD

No, that means there's a possibility OP might be fired sometime soon, and there's no guarantee they'll get the new job ( as far as we now ). Might end up jobless

Getting fired is worse than leaving i think for new hires. Especially since the new hire-er knows they are still at their previous job. And yes, they would know it is right on the resume.

Maybe he will give you a raise now he knows you're looking else where.

Soooo... I guess you can kiss that reference goodbye.

Mathalamus 24

Does it matter? Surely your boss won't care.

Some employers, despite it not being their business AT ALL, dislike their employees job searching while still being employed.

He will care, and don't call OP Shirley

It absolutely matters. Like i posted previously being fired looks worse than leaving. Also, 2 weeks notice gives them (the company) less time to look for someone to replace the person leaving than KNOWING they will be losing their job and they can search a lot longer.

citykid612 8

You look when you have a job, that way if OP doesn't get a call back (from future employee) then they'll still have a job.

I don't get why people's bosses would be insulted about their staff moving on. It's a job, not a baby. You're allowed to change jobs, you don't have loyalty to your job. Your job won't mind if you leave. He'll just hire someone else, and the circle of life continues. Pahhh.

Also, most companies actually invest in you when they provide you with training etcetera. They wouldn't like to lose that investment if you switch within a certain amount of time.

Maybe my profession is too peripatetic. I just see that it's our lives, we don't live for our work! If we want to move, then there should be no qualms. Just a nice handshake and wishing everyone the best in their next life experience!

As I like to tell all my employees and coworkers, loyalty is nice. But at the end of the day loyalty doesn't always pay your bills.

I do see what you mean. But I prefer to see it as: I have a skill, which I offer to loan to my employer for a fee (my salary). But I'm not a slave to my employer, it's just a mutually beneficial contract. And if I decide to move on, that's my prerogative. Perhaps other jobs/professions don't work that way. Either way, OP has got himself in a pickle! I hope his boss doesn't fire him for this mishap.