By Paco4242 - 13/06/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, I found out that my 'girlfriend', who I've been emailing with, was really my friend playing a prank on me. He asked me for naked pictures of myself and I sent them to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 896
You deserved it 78 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Did you get any naked pictures of him? Because... that probably would have tipped ME off.

YDI for "dating" someone online, then sending naked pictures of yourself. Unless you want to have everybody you know possibly see the pictures, don't ever put them anywhere online. Also, find a real girlfriend. But your friend does suck for doing that.


LMAFOO! I love your friend, hahahah sucks so much for you!

tbbays04 0

Haha sorry! But online dating, like all the othe comments are saying, is DEFINITELY a no-no. How long did you guys talk? Haha and did he send any?!

Online dating is something you should remain suspicious about at least until you have a voice chat. Next time, have a voice chat before thinking she's "your girlfriend". Hell, a girlfriend would give you a phone call.

LuxLisbon_fml 0

Has nobody else realised that it's entirely possible the OP has a girlfriend 'in real life' and not some random person from the Internet he's never met, but the friend had got hold of her email account password and was pretending to be her as a prank, albeit a rather mean one? It seems like a more likely scenario.

rileyxravage 0

All these people saying ydi for sending pics are lame cause they have probably done it too.

3milyzabc 0

lol @ you only being able to get an internet girlfriend

fretforyerlatte 0

your boy's totally gay, dude. he's probably whacked it to your pics.

Yea LOL man find new friends preferebly not gay ones man LOL and sux bout the pics man

Talia070 0