The girl?

By Anonymous - 26/12/2019 01:00

Today, my mate was bragging about the nudes he was getting from this random girl, he proceeded to show me... It was my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 584
You deserved it 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not cool. You need to tell your cousin the jerk is sharing private pics of her with everyone.

Why in the world is he showing around private pictures someone sent him confidentially?!


Why in the world is he showing around private pictures someone sent him confidentially?!

bragging is one thing. talk about it all you want. but showing them photos not meant for them is not in anyway bragging. thats just disgusting.

Unfortunately, it happens all of the time, whether bragging or revenge. I’m not a prude, but if I don’t want the world to see it, I don’t put it out there to anyone.

Not cool. You need to tell your cousin the jerk is sharing private pics of her with everyone.

J15237 25

Not really sure how this is an FML for you? I mean yes you maybe saw more of your cousin then you would ever want to, but its her life. Not yours. The real FML would be if your cousin had sent them to you or something.

At least it's not your girlfriend or wife!