By Paco4242 - 13/06/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, I found out that my 'girlfriend', who I've been emailing with, was really my friend playing a prank on me. He asked me for naked pictures of myself and I sent them to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 896
You deserved it 78 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Did you get any naked pictures of him? Because... that probably would have tipped ME off.

YDI for "dating" someone online, then sending naked pictures of yourself. Unless you want to have everybody you know possibly see the pictures, don't ever put them anywhere online. Also, find a real girlfriend. But your friend does suck for doing that.


ziqi92 0

this is why i dont trust online dating...

Greetings. Hey man, I won't tell you that you're guilt, that is your fault, etc. Other people had said it yet. I believe you must be thankful that it was your friend who had the pics. Picture if a pederast got them, that would be so dangerous for you =S Man, you NEED to talk with your friend about it. If he is your real friend he should destroy the pics. I don't know if your friend is really gay or he just wanted to give you a lesson, but I know you have to be more careful with online people. Dude, I hope this embarrasing episode ends soon. I don't believe that you should stop being friends, altough if your friends is in love with you... if he respects you. A last question, ¿How old are you? O.o Good Luck... ;)

LOL #65 "wash the gay off your skin" haha classic

Um... thats what you get. That is disgusting. I would never show that friend my face again. Ugh. Creepy. So creepy. At least it wasn't a real pedafile - it very well could have been.

never send naked pictures to someone you havent met, wait never send naked picture of yourself simple as that

You deserve it. You're a ******* idiot for just believing they were who they said they were. Ffs I'm 18 and I have the common sense to ask people for photos/webcam to prove who they are. Why do so many people not have that common sense?

You're friend is a freaken pervert lmaoo Next time be more careful online!

i won't say YDI, because your friend is an ass, but you really shouldn't be giving out nude pics before you've even had a first date.