By Paco4242 - 13/06/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, I found out that my 'girlfriend', who I've been emailing with, was really my friend playing a prank on me. He asked me for naked pictures of myself and I sent them to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 896
You deserved it 78 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Did you get any naked pictures of him? Because... that probably would have tipped ME off.

YDI for "dating" someone online, then sending naked pictures of yourself. Unless you want to have everybody you know possibly see the pictures, don't ever put them anywhere online. Also, find a real girlfriend. But your friend does suck for doing that.


MsMegaroo 0

Hahahaha...NEVER send naked pics to anyone. I did sent a few to my boyfreind in 8th grade. He then sent them to his best friend, who sent them to like the ENTIRE skool. The parents and teachers somehow got involved. I didnt get in trouble for sending them, but my boy friend did for asking for them...hehehehe

lovesucksxxx 0

******* retard. Like everyone's saying, find a real girl.

Ahahahah, online dating is fine, but sending naked pictures of yourseelf over the internet is juust a bit to much, but its your own body so do what yoou want !

ChocolatexGames 0
hawaiianxpunchx3 0

ydi for going out with someone from the internet.

Why does everyone assume that he's never met her? He could actually have a girlfriend and his friend made him think that's her e-mail... I'm just saying, that's what I thought when I read this

beaniebabe 0

You got lucky. It could have been a rapist or something because you have never seen the person and you just sent them naked pictures of you??? You deserved it 100 percent

yeah u really shouldn't do what a gf wants. Real or not~