By Twilightsux - 31/01/2010 03:20 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend had replaced our picture in her locket for a picture of Taylor Lautner shirtless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 254
You deserved it 6 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but Twilight is shit. Vampires are supposed to be dark and intimidating not gay shirtless sparkling guys. Twilight is an unrealistic fantasy for shallow pre teen girls.

get a picture of a hot girl and set it as your phone background. But make sure the girl is actually hot. I can't tell much about Taylor because everything about Twilight makes my skin crawl.


I prefer Jacoby Shaddix myself, but hey. That's just me. ;]

butlerreid 0

that sucks. if you hate Taylor lautner, comment

you do know that they used cgi for His abs...

collin12321 0

haha I'm sorry I think I would too actually. that boy is fiiiine!

collin12321 0

btw everybody team jacob sucks!

9x_Periwinkle_x6 0

hahahaha, I would SO do that. Taylor is so hot. in fact he's my wallpaper for my itouch xoxo, <3 but he's WAY too hot for Taylor swift :-/

damn right. my man accepted that he was jelous, and he got over my love of twilight then and there. admitting you have a problem is the first step to help!