By Anonymous - 16/11/2009 03:28 - United States

Today, I found out that my dad has been having an affair. With my formerly favorite teacher. The best part? Yesterday, she announced to the class that she was pregnant. I clapped and congratulated her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 702
You deserved it 2 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xshyguyx 0

Congrats on the better grades now i suppose you will get?

I can imagine this scenario you: *raises hand in classroom* Miss, Can I transfer classes? teacher: Why? you: Because you are sleeping with my Dad.


xshyguyx 0

Congrats on the better grades now i suppose you will get?

o_O I'd switch teachers, maybe if you explain to them your situation........ And can't the teacher get fired or something for having an affair with a married man [assuming he's in some kind of relationship] , especially a student's father?

Flutist 3

It takes two to tango. YEah this sucks but her life outside the classroom is not the concern of the school board unless it infringes on her performance in the classroom. Does the teacher know it is one of her students parents? She did not approach Op and explain the situation, so perhaps she is a victim as well. Don't assume that people are always honest to the flings on the side. Op no matter how sucky this seems you will regret it if you do not take part in the life of your sibling. I think you have a right to be angry with your teacher, your father, and perhaps your school if they don't let you change classes, but the child is innocent in all this.

It will, technically, infringe on her performance in the school as she'll have to take maternity leave at some point. Not sure if that'd count though.

NataleeC 0

I agree with the flutist. the child is innocent, please don' take out your anger and frustrations on it. THAT IS IF the teacher allows you to visit. lmao

killerviral 0

You should. She~s got there your little sis or bro!

Lol, thats a funny coincidence :P:P:P Claim an A tho

It's not a coincidence... OP's teacher is pregnant with OP's dad's baby.

If that's not the definition of awkward, I don't know what is. O_o;;;

I take it there's no chance that she's married and it's her husband's baby lol?

You can just pray, she is a **** and that the baby is not your fathers.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

MOTHER DAUGHTER BABIES! You should get pregnant too, and have same-time babies! And then you'll make your father extra shocked, and happy(:

I can imagine this scenario you: *raises hand in classroom* Miss, Can I transfer classes? teacher: Why? you: Because you are sleeping with my Dad.

shaubygal 11

ahhhhhhh nicceeeeeeee shit u got right there