By proteinboy - 16/11/2009 03:00 - United States

Today, I waited for 20 minutes to get a cab outside grand central station in New York (it was raining). Finally, to my relief, I found a cab but when I got in I let a little fart slip. Two minutes later the cabby kicked me out of his cab because I stunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 720
You deserved it 30 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, when you stink worse than the cab....bad...

Did you still have to pay? We're all wondering.


postaltubealex 0

More like you held in a fart for 20 minutes and let it off in the cab on purpose.

isaiaha11 2

That's what you get for not farting outside. Haha.

wow, when you stink worse than the cab....bad...

sk8erboy_fml 0
xavel_fml 0

SOMETIMES you cant hold it... farting is natural

Yes, and holding it in is natural, too. Sex is natural, but you don't see people f***ing in the backseat of taxis.

I was just taking apart the simple argument that it's okay just because it's natural. Obviously it's not comparable to sex. There was no other argument besides that. Anyway, it is not "impossible" to hold farts in. Sure, it hurts a lot to hold gas in all day, but to me it's unbelievably worth it to avoid situations like this. Not just the awkward situation, but to avoid the image that I'm a stinky slob. I have not farted in public since I was a kid.

Jdoggy13 0
OLOtheDemigodess 0

are you ******* serious??? you cannot, ever, hold in a fart. Where the hell have you been living...

22cute 17

Far away from you, my friend. Far, far away from you.