By Richard - 18/10/2017 13:23 - United States

Today, a DNA test proved that my 2-month-old daughter isn't mine. The real father is my girlfriend's husband, whom she married last year when she lied to me about going on a vacation. We've been together for three years and I never knew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 407
You deserved it 532

Same thing different taste

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You and the husband need to bond over your joint sense of betrayal, ditch the cheater, and raise the kid together like in My Two Dads! Whaddya say, OP? How about it?!

I am sad to say, but unless your name is written on that birth certificate as the father (and even then) there's little to no chance you'll be allowed visitation or custody. I feel so sorry for you and your situation. Everything you've had for the past three years is literally gone, and that baby is too. Even if you didn't care, and wanted to stay as her side man (Or eventual husband if she divorces), If she for whatever reason leaves you, would would never have custody rights with that little girl. Find therapy as soon as possible, because it's going to hit you before you know it. This is a huge deal. Again, I'm sorry OP.


And the husband never found out about you?!

Omg you poor thing. I hope your life gets better

You and the husband need to bond over your joint sense of betrayal, ditch the cheater, and raise the kid together like in My Two Dads! Whaddya say, OP? How about it?!

I am sad to say, but unless your name is written on that birth certificate as the father (and even then) there's little to no chance you'll be allowed visitation or custody. I feel so sorry for you and your situation. Everything you've had for the past three years is literally gone, and that baby is too. Even if you didn't care, and wanted to stay as her side man (Or eventual husband if she divorces), If she for whatever reason leaves you, would would never have custody rights with that little girl. Find therapy as soon as possible, because it's going to hit you before you know it. This is a huge deal. Again, I'm sorry OP.

Well it was only two months, so hopefully he hasn't bonded with the baby too much. That's the only reason he would want visitation since she's a cheater and the baby isn't biologically his.

You'd be very surprised. He was waiting all 9 months for his 'daughter' to be born, and may have been extremely close to her. It's a lot to believe that you have a child and that is taken away. I couldn't even imagine!

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oh how true. I wonder how she kept getting away to meet her husband/ and boyfriend. you can't take that many vacations. sucks for both of them. I laughed about the swim thing bc even when life sucks you have to laugh.

Whoa. On the bright side, you probably won't have to pay child support when you leave her.

azouwa 26

That's exactly what I was thinking. This shouldn't be an FML. This should be a happy dance.

Lobby_Bee 17

This is why I have trust issues with the opposite sex. Hope everything turns out better for you.

Trust issues go both ways, y'know. It's not always one sex or the other lol.

Lobby_Bee 17

Yep, agree. Guys can be major dicks too.

Man I even got trust issues with my dog.

NisaSayshi: You mean your dog doesn't trust you?!