Saudi end of the internet, and it was awful…

By How can you f*** up that bad!? - 17/02/2017 15:51 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Today, I was unable to connect to the Internet. After calling support, I was informed that due to a cut cable, the whole country will have no service from that provider for some time. The. Whole. Country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 644
You deserved it 482

Same thing different taste


How the **** can a company let that happen

It's called a "Cell Phone"... it's a pretty new invention in some parts of the world... perhaps your country will catch up to the 20th century some day

Oh geez, caliguy08! You should catch up too. The rest of us are in the 21st century!

Oh geez, caliguy08! You should catch up too. The rest of us are in the 21st century!

Pretty easily actually. It's happened in America too. You bury your cords far below the ground and hope nothing bad happens. You aren't going to multiply your costs by 10 by putting steel plates around your internet cords to protect them. It's much more cost affective to wait until they get cut (which happens very very rarely) and repair it overnight.

You think they should maybe have guards watching every yard of cable - even the bits underwater?

Hahahahaha that's one way to black out internet.... You know China just uses an on and off switch.... maybe Saudi can invest in one of those?

Hmmmm telecom towers can have problems!!!

Why didn't you say which company and if it's true there would be a flood of people with that same fml for sure

Its from Saudi Arabia, however I found a new article from today reporting a fibre optics cable failure causing massive outage in Pakistan, is likely the same provider

Well clearly it wasn't THAT long if you were able to post this...

Maybe they switched to a different provider.

OP could be using his cellular data or another internet provider to post this, or as we all know, this may not have happened 'today.' It's not a difficult work around. :/

species4872 19

You're doing well for not being able to connect.

jcash52426 5

That's there subtle was of saying they are going out of business.

It's not like it's the internet providers fault that their cable got cut. The same thing happened here in America about 5 years ago. Everyone's internet was slowed to a crawl and Netflix was inoperable. That was just from 1 major cable being cut by a backhoe in someone's backyard...

jcash52426 5

I was making a joke. I guess you didn't get that.