By JPF - 13/08/2009 03:13 - Australia

Today, I found out that I was adopted, now my gay brother thinks it's acceptable to tell me that he's always wanted to have sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 504
You deserved it 5 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@#201 You're obviously only saying that because you don't have a brother. Either that, or you're ****** up.

StingMunFizzy 0

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bend down n' touch your toes, Im gonna show you where the wild goose goes O_O


bubblemari 2

YDI! for having a gay brother!// YESS IM FIRSTT! :DD

StingMunFizzy 0

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bend down n' touch your toes, Im gonna show you where the wild goose goes O_O

ShenziSixaxis 0

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nikktherocker 0

as rodney dangerfield said, it doubles your chances of having a date on saturday night. what the big deal? he's not your real brother.

Well, the deal is that he had the feelings BEFORE he found out that the OP wasn't his real brother. And of course, OP can only think of him as his real brother, even if he's not, so to the OP it is disturbing. Wonder how that came about though? Most species, including humans, have a natural mechanism in them that doesn't allow that kind of "sibling bonding," even if they were merely raised together rather than born together... or so I thought. Unless it's different for gays, since they can't procreate with each other... I mean, there is no chance for retarded babies there, so "no harm done"? Except no species except humans thinks on the same plains we do, and so we find "sibling bonding" in general incorrect no matter what sibling you bond with, because we set up morals.

I think it's called Westermarck syndrome :)

I'm gay, and happy to say that if I had a brother, I'd have no regrets having sex with him.

@#201 You're obviously only saying that because you don't have a brother. Either that, or you're ****** up.

sam99_fml 0

@#167 stfu. OP : Try it, u might enjoy. :D

Siren_00 0

Awwkwwarrd. Australian boys are hot though (at least all the ones I've seen), therefore, this situation is oddly intriguing. :)

Haha, Aussie boys are very hot ; ) But guys who have always wanted to have sex with somebody they thought they were related to, aren't so hot. Good luck sleeping in the same house as him.

well, they aren't related. haha. Maybe it's a pheromone thing?

that's just because your from Adelaide

Sneaky_Lady 0

Wow. That must've been a bit awkward. I say... go for it ;) *ha*

AntiChrist7 0

EXACTLY WHY some what what in the butt should go down MANGGGGG dont forget the KY ;);)

AXavierB 1

Sounds hot. Remember to give me all the details later.


Now's the time to let him know you always wanted to believe to weren't related . (: