By FlatTire - 13/02/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I found out that I have enough driving skills to manage to hit a pothole and have two of my tires go flat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 023
You deserved it 19 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry, that does suck ass. as far as your driving skills, we all have done stupid shit.

I know how you feel here in Massachussets new potholes are created every damn Winter. Some are hard to avoid.


HamsteronA 0

sorry, that does suck ass. as far as your driving skills, we all have done stupid shit.

that's what she said!! seriously though that does take some driving skill. skills that would be of much better use as a crash test dummy

I know how you feel here in Massachussets new potholes are created every damn Winter. Some are hard to avoid.

YDI for not going back to drivers Ed and FYL cause I don't want to be that mean :)

xrawritsashleyx 11

this reminded me of me, bc im on my permit, but i manage to hit potholes all the time !! ill be on the right path to avoid them.. but ill swerve thinking im avoiding them and hit it. my parents get mad :X but i still have bad judgement with potholes. lmao

Zombie65 0

sometimes avoiding potholes is easier said than done try slowing down a bit you won't get as much tire damage. for all the people about to say - ydi because potholes can't do that or you could have moved to miss them - stop posting until you grow up and get a license it's obvious you have no clue - potholes can not always be avoided and yes they can be deep enough to damage tires