By FlatTire - 13/02/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I found out that I have enough driving skills to manage to hit a pothole and have two of my tires go flat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 016
You deserved it 19 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry, that does suck ass. as far as your driving skills, we all have done stupid shit.

I know how you feel here in Massachussets new potholes are created every damn Winter. Some are hard to avoid.


I will do my best next time, I still stand by my statement even if my drunk grammar is not up to par.

also @25 did the pic change make it more sexist for ya? It has been a proven fact that males insurance rates have dropped and females have gone up, call it sexist if you want but the proof is in the numbers..

in pa, it's impossible to avoid hitting potholes because they are everywhere, and they are huge!! the same thing has happened to me.

srry? thts? and you feel like what I say is bad? lol people that live in glass houses.....well you already know

So, in short, you found out you don't really have any driving skills at all.

Ahh so the "bro" thing did get to you lol, I love trolling.

lol I'm done with ya, now go make me a sandwich like kingdingaling said in the other post haha wow he can see the future