By Anonymous - 23/08/2014 18:16 - Canada - Lethbridge

Today, I found out my girlfriend doesn't really take flute lessons after all. In related news, every time my best friend supposedly drives her to flute lessons, he's actually taking her to his house for a different kind of activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 573
You deserved it 6 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's been blowing on the wrong type of flute


squarecircles 13

Sounds like they both really blew it this time. Sorry, OP. You'll find better ppl down the road.

jackm0920 1

Your fault for being so ignorant

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You neither had a girlfriend nor a friend just a couple of cowardly shady a-holes stabbing you in the back.

Playing someone else's slide trom bone.

I'm so sorry you had to go trough that :(

Are you really that naive? Never let your guy friends be alone with your girlfriend, especially if she's a ****.

Why would your friend be driving your girl to her flute lessons all the time anyway, that right there should have been a red flag. Do you not drive? I dont see why he would need to drive her. That would have been a red flag for me.