By Maddie - 20/06/2011 20:05 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend uses me for two things. 1) My food. 2) My sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 905
You deserved it 5 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, shut up about grammar for two seconds. This is a site where we laugh at people's misfortunes not to better our English. Chill out


huh replace their lube with superglue and put laxatives in his food BOOM problem solved :D or just put stans sister with braces in your house and hope for the best I HATE ERIC CARTMAN

emilyxorawr 3

I think you should kick his, and you're sisters ass to the curb.

go kill him! lol break up with him :P

GinaFromYorktown 0
shutupK 0

that guy has his priorities straight. you found a keeper.

PrettyMuchBozz 5

Well, as Jon LaJoie would say "women are good for 4 things, cooking, cleaning, vaginas, and their sisters vaginas"

Lol I posted the same thing right after you

well you'll need two things: 1)a shovel 2)a place to hide the body lol