Nothing to be ashamed of

By Anonymous - 14/07/2022 16:00

Today, a friend was trying to show me memes on her phone when I noticed she had a few tabs open. I told her she was draining her battery and should close them. She opened them. Two were sex toy store pages. She was so embarrassed that she kicked me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 988
You deserved it 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While you meant well, I assume… Unless it’s your spouse, leave everyone else’s computer, tablet, or smart phone absolutely alone. Don’t click on anything, don’t move the pictures, and don’t suggest rearranging anything.

Pretty sure just having a tab open isn't going to drain your battery.


While you meant well, I assume… Unless it’s your spouse, leave everyone else’s computer, tablet, or smart phone absolutely alone. Don’t click on anything, don’t move the pictures, and don’t suggest rearranging anything.

Except that it was the friend who opened the tabs, presumably having forgotten what was on them.

Pretty sure just having a tab open isn't going to drain your battery.

tiptoppc 19

Yeah, it sleeps the tab and halts all timers. It’s more energy efficient to leave them if going back to them.